I appreciate that, Mr. Moore, but for the sake of keeping things the least confusing as possible, maybe we should go motion by motion.
The first motion is as follows:
That the Clerk inform each witness who is to appear before the Committee that the House Administration support team must conduct technical tests to check the connectivity and the equipment used to ensure the best possible sound quality; and that the Chair advise the Committee, at the start of each meeting, of any witness who did not perform the required technical tests.
Do any members have any issues or anything to add to this motion, or are we able to vote on this motion and get it passed at this time? Then we'll move on to the other two motions.
(Motion agreed to)
Mr. Moore, you were suggesting a friendly amendment to motion number two, which if we follow it, would read with the amendment, “That all documents submitted for Committee business that do not come from a federal department or a member's office, or that have not been translated by the Translation Bureau, be sent for prior linguistic review by the Translation Bureau before being distributed to members.”
Do members agree with Mr. Moore's friendly amendment to motion number two?
Yes, Monsieur Fortin.