Here's my concern. I interpret your answer to mean that we're going to optimize or maximize revenue here. I know teams in the NHL are already jumping on this. The Pittsburgh Penguins have already been looking into ways to capitalize on this new opportunity. It's going to happen here.
I'm concerned about taking my niece or nephew to a Toronto Maple Leafs game and their being able to walk down and instead of buying pizza, trying to talk me into getting them to place a bet on the game—and not just on the outcome of the game. I think there are a lot of aspects of this bill that people haven't thought through fully. For example, in single-event sports betting, do you anticipate at any time in the future that you will not only be able to place a bet on the winner or loser of a game, but if you're at a hockey game, will you be able to place a bet after the second period on who's going to score the winning goal?