Thank you for the question.
We consider anything that is currently undertaken in terms of sports betting that's occurring in Canada today, whether you call it grey market or black market in the U.S., or whether you call it illegal, in the Criminal Code, single-event wagering is not permitted, period, end of story. This bill is about amending that.
To date, in the non-legal and the safe and legal environment that this bill will foster, the Canadian Gaming Association estimates that $14 billion has been wagered outside of the legal regulatory framework. Deloitte has said that by 2025 that number could be as high as $25 billion. That's money that's not going to help companies like ours create jobs, like we're doing, and create innovation. From a political standpoint, that's money that's not being taxed and redistributed for the benefit of all Canadians.
We think this law will level the playing field. We can all apply. It's going to be a competitive environment. That's what we look forward to.