You are absolutely right, Mr. Moore, with respect to having the minister available for as much time as we can as a committee. My concern is that I need us to vote on the main estimates and the supplementary estimates, and then for us to talk about committee business, specifically with respect to bills that are appearing before our committee.
I would also like to get Madam Findlay's questions on the record so that we can get some answers.
That's why I'm taking the discretion not to go to the last 10 minutes of questions. Obviously, what I have on the schedule is around five minutes of Conservatives and five minutes of Liberals remaining from this round. I've taken the liberty of docking that time so that we can use it put Madam Findlay's questions on the record so that we can get answers to them; vote on the main and supplementary estimates; and go over the witnesses for the next couple of weeks.
Is that okay with you, Mr. Moore?