Yes. Thank you very much for the question.
The thing that is most pressing for us right now—in Nova Scotia it changed overnight for us—is to try to stay ahead of this pandemic and to deal with the backlogs. That's going to be a big issue, and it's not just a criminal law matter. Obviously there's a constitutional right to a speedy trial, and that's very important, but when criminal trials bump civil trials, civil trials are delayed as well.
That's an immediate issue. Another issue we're dealing with and working on right now is vaccinations and making sure that there is a two-road approach. We're seeing in real time here in Canada that we have to time it properly so that we don't morph into lessening restrictions on the strength of vaccinations. Just finding the appropriate balance on that is a big issue.
Those two, and dealing with the privacy issues emerging from virtual hearings, are just three examples, Mr. Moore, that are pressing for the action committee right now.
Madam Thériault may have some other examples as well.