I'm running short of time, so I just have a quick question. I agree that the CBA report was very helpful, but one of the recommendations is that less complicated, simple proceedings can be done remotely. There is an access to justice issue. I used to have to go up to Haileybury, which is in northern Ontario. I'd fly and then rent a car, and I'd stay there for a one-hour pretrial. There's going to be great pressure now to do those remotely instead of in person, and you lose the solemnity, as Mr. Berkes has mentioned. I would ask that hopefully all of your groups could come up with criteria that would be applied, because ultimately it's going to be the judges who are going to have to decide when that happens.
Very quickly, one thing we've seen during COVID-19 here in Toronto is that judges are working from home and court reporters are working in the courthouse. There are health and safety concerns. It's a technology issue. Have there been any steps taken in your jurisdictions to give consideration to how you could create a level playing field between the court's administration side and the actual judicial aspect of it?