I'll resume this meeting and I'll just say a few comments for the benefit of the new witnesses who have joined this panel.
Welcome first and foremost. Thank you for being here today. I'll point out a few housekeeping rules. When you are not speaking please make sure that you are on mute, and before speaking please wait until I recognize you my name and then you can unmute and speak. Once you are finished speaking please make sure that you put yourself back on mute.
I will remind you that all comments should be addressed through the chair. For all of you, interpretation is available at the bottom of your screen. You will see a little globe icon for interpretation. Select the language that you would like to listen to. You can speak in any language that you so choose, English or French.
With that I'll welcome our guests here today. As an individual we have Joshua Sealy-Harrington, an incoming assistant professor at Lincoln Alexander School of Law, Ryerson University, and a lawyer at Power Law. We also have. from the Criminal Lawyers' Association of Ontario. Mr. John Struthers, president, and Mr. Daniel Brown, vice-president. Moreover, we have the Indigenous Bar Association of Canada, represented by Mr. Drew Lafond, president.
To the witnesses, each of you will have five minutes to make your opening remarks per organization. I have a one-minute time card and a thirty-second time card to help you keep track.
We'll go ahead and get started with Mr. Sealy-Harrington.
Please go ahead, you have five minutes.