Thank you, Laura.
Our next recommendation is regarding the prevention and awareness of elder abuse and neglect.
Recommendation B.6 is regarding funding. Provide sustained and appropriate funding for elder abuse and neglect response on par with domestic violence funding. Particularly provide dedicated support and funding to the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, CNPEA, and other elder abuse and neglect response and educational agencies or organizations.
Recommendation 7.B is regarding awareness. Support and implement a national elder abuse response strategy. As part of the NEARS, integrate the new Criminal Code provisions, including training and awareness campaigns.
Recommendation 8.B is regarding data reporting. Require federal, federally funded or federally regulated agencies to collect desegregated data on elder abuse and neglect and the experiences of older adults in segments more defined by narrower age groups. Sixty-five plus is too large a group, and disaggregated data should also include other self-identified characteristics to better understand marginalization and intersectional impacts on older adults.
Next is responses and research.
Recommendation 9.C is regarding PIPEDA. Amend PIPEDA to better allow financial institutions to report abuse. Amend section 7(3)(d.3) to (a) define “financial elder abuse” and “mental capacity”, (b) update the list to whom disclosure can be made, and (c) link to provincial and territorial responses.
Recommendation 10.C is regarding research. Release the groundbreaking elder mistreatment study research “Into the Light” by Dr. Lynn McDonald submitted to government in 2015-16. This landmark report was funded by the Government of Canada, with additional funding from the provinces and territories. It was the largest study in Canada on elder abuse and neglect and one of the largest and leading studies globally. However, for unknown reasons, this study has never been formally released by government. A small portion can be found online.
Additionally, the Government of Canada must invest in research to better understand and respond to elder abuse and neglect, including funding the NICE network.
Thank you.