Welcome back, everyone, for our second hour of this justice committee meeting on the Victims Bill of Rights.
I understand that Ms. Illingworth has been here before and she knows the rules, but I'll just reinforce them so that everybody is aware.
When you are speaking, please ensure that you are unmuted and that you speak slowly and clearly for interpreters. When you are done speaking, please ensure that you are back on mute. You have the same interpretation services that are available to members. At the bottom of your screen, select the language that you'd like to listen to. You can speak in any of our official languages.
With that, I would like to welcome Ms. Illingworth, who will be providing opening remarks for five minutes. For members who don't know her, she is from the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime.
Welcome, and thank you for your time, Ms. Illingworth.
Please go ahead. You have five minutes to make your opening remarks.