I might be able to respond to that.
Certainly, any complainant in any criminal matter always has the right to retain counsel. There is no restriction on that. The question boils down to who is going to pay for that service.
Though I am a criminal defence lawyer, I often provide independent legal advice to complainants in various matters, such as financial crimes, domestic crimes and various other offences. I provide them with comprehensive information on what their rights and responsibilities are. I find that it assists them very much in understanding these systems, which can be confusing, overwhelming and sometimes scary, for both complainants and defendants.
I think your question focuses in on who is going to pay for that. If we give a right to that, then that right has to be funded. Is that going to be funded at the federal level or the provincial level? At this time, there are various provinces that fund clinics. I, for one, and on behalf of the CBA, welcome additional funding.
I don't know if you have to give a specific right to counsel, since that right already exists and no one is looking to take that away.
Thank you very much.