Thanks, Chair.
Everybody understands the importance of this bill. Everybody appreciates the significance of getting it done. It's not the government's timeline; it's the court's timeline, Mr. Moore. We've been talking about the time frame in which this needs to be done since we started meeting a few weeks ago, so this is no surprise to anybody.
I wasn't on the subcommittee, but it was my understanding that we would be sitting during the break week. We all have very precious time during the break week—and yes, it is Remembrance Week—but we're not talking about giving up the whole week; we're talking about giving up two hours on two separate days to do something that is critically important.
As tight as the time frame is, if we don't sit during the break week, there's a chance we could run up against the deadline, and we don't want to be put in a position where we have to rush this unnecessarily, which is the concern you have all expressed.
I think we should vote on this right now, Madam Chair, and move on.