Thank you very much for that, Dr. L'Espérance. It is much appreciated.
We will go to Senator Cowan if he is able to communicate at this time. We will do a check.
No, we still don't hear you. Can you check on your mute button and just ensure that it is your headset that is selected for your microphone? You're on mute now, so even if we could hear you, we can't hear you.
Unfortunately, we still don't hear you, Senator. As we are running very short on time, what I will do is ask if you can provide some written submissions, which I know you may have done already, with respect to your comments today.
Could I please have IT call the Senator so he can at the very least participate through the question and answer period?
We will go to six-minute rounds now. We will start with Madame Findlay. We will go on to Mr. Virani, then Mr. Thériault and Mr. Garrison.
Go ahead, Madame Findlay. The floor is yours for six minutes.