Patients who call me are not calling me the first time they have ever considered medical assistance in dying. These are people who have really considered.... They've often been in the health care system for a long time and have been presented with many options. They are knowledgeable people, who have evaluated their own values and experiences. Many of them have discussed this thoroughly with their family before calling. They're not jumping at making that phone call, but they are making the call to determine what other options may be available to them so they can best consider those, so I think they're frustrated with then having to wait another 10 days once they've come to that decision.
Advance consent is the one I actually hear the most about. I hear that more from patients who are really at risk of losing their capacity, such as in the Audrey Parker case. I also hear it from many community groups who are really concerned that, should they be in that position in the future, those rights would not be available to them.