Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you to all of our witnesses. You all bring something different to this discussion, and I really appreciate your very informed presentations.
It concerns me, when we're dealing with something that's literally life-or-death, the dramatically reduced time in which we're dealing with this important issue. We're only taking four days of meetings to discuss this. Parties are only going to have about one round of questions to ask you important questions. When I hear Inclusion Canada, an organization that works with those in the persons with disabilities community from coast to coast, describe this as a “worst nightmare”, I really, truly believe that we need to have more discussion on this. The government would have us believe that this is an open-and-shut case and that there is a great deal of unanimity among doctors.
I am going to ask my first question of Krista Carr, with Inclusion Canada.
There is a group called “Physicians Together for Vulnerable Canadians”. We received a letter from them, and I know your organization works deeply with vulnerable persons. It was signed by 800 medical doctors throughout our country, from every province. These are people who are working with people who are vulnerable.
I know the position of Inclusion Canada was that the court of appeal decision should have been appealed even to the Supreme Court. That happens to be the position as well of the Conservative Party, that this decision should have been appealed. However, this bill goes far beyond even responding to the Quebec decision.
My question for you, if you could answer it quickly, is this: Is Inclusion Canada of the opinion that this bill needs more review to analyze the impacts, even those we heard about today, on safeguards for the persons with disabilities community?