Thank you.
One domain where we are particularly concerned ableism will appear is in the medical system.
I'd like to give you an example of what that looks like.
Nearly three years ago in January 2018, I became ill with a bad flu. I went to a walk-in clinic and was sent home with the usual advice: rest, Advil and chicken soup.
Contrary to what I was told to expect, my condition worsened and I began to struggle to breathe a few days later. I called the Ontario Telehealth line and was advised to go to the ER. I called a few friends, hoping to get a ride there, but no one could be with me until the next day. I took a cab to the hospital and was immediately admitted. A couple of hours later the doctor was no closer to finding out what caused my illness. When she finally came to see me, she said, “The only thing we know is that this infection affects your breathing and you may need oxygen. Is that something you want?” My answer was, “of course”. She seemed surprised and unconvinced so she asked again. My answer was unchanged.