My answer was unchanged. I said, “of course”.
In that moment, I would have been able to refuse treatment and be permitted to die. Or, in a moment of weakness, bought into the stereotype that my life wasn't worth living and requested and received a lethal injection. Breathing supports would be considered standard treatment for a non-disabled person in my situation, especially somebody in their mid-20s as I was. That's supposed to be the prime of your life. All the doctors seemed to see was a disabled woman alone, sick, tired, and probably tired of living. This is nothing new.
A study by Carol Gill of the University of Illinois at Chicago shows that doctors often perceive disabled people's quality of life to be significantly worse than disabled people's own views. Whether disabled or not, Canadians look to these professionals as guides. Doctors have power to shape the perspective of others and they should wield it with great care.
Both my age and the effects of my disability gave me an advantage. I was able to advocate for myself without support and be taken more seriously by non-disabled observers than many others would be, yet this still happened to me well before the expansion was on the table.
Here's how my story ends. I was diagnosed with pneumonia and thankfully never even needed the oxygen. I received antibiotics, came home after a week, and I'm here today.
If this bill goes through, how many more disabled people at their lowest moments could have a drastically different and decidedly unwanted ending to their story?
Thank you, everyone.