Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I want to extend my thanks to all the witnesses for appearing today and for the submissions. I know that some of them have been made separately.
At the beginning, I always have to express my frustration that some of the issues we're talking about in the committee go well beyond the mandate of the justice committee in studying Bill C-7. I hope we will have a special committee established that can deal with those broader issues, because these cannot be solved by adding one or two sessions to this committee.
My first question is for Monsieur Roberge. We have had testimony that raises questions about why the Truchon decision was not appealed. I would like to hear some comments on the relationship between the Truchon and Carter decisions, because I think there is a view that Truchon is set squarely within the parameters of Carter, and that some of these basic decisions were actually settled in Carter at the beginning of this litigation.