Thank you very much for the question. I appreciate that you're bringing in the best interests of the child.
First of all, I would say that parental rights are not in conflict with children's rights. Parents have a duty and they are responsibility bearers. They need to uphold children's rights.
I want to think about the international context. Dr. Durrant has already mentioned New Zealand and Sweden. I'd also like to mention Ireland and Wales.
What we see when we look at what has happened worldwide is that police and the justice system are not pulling in parents for these kinds of situations. Instead, we're seeing many more positive parenting programs that are giving parents different options when this kind of situation occurs.
I'd also note that if you've read some of the letters that I believe came to the committee, you'll see the only cases that do get prosecuted are cases where children have been beaten very severely in the home. Having this total ban on corporal punishment is really important.
I want to pick up on one other point, which is that we're not saying that you can never use force in a case of safety, like the two-finger thing. I have a three-year old. If she's going to touch the stove, of course I can pull those two fingers away for safety, but I'm not afterwards going to slap her really hard on her two fingers. There's a difference between safety and punishment afterwards. I just wanted to say that.