Those are great questions.
First off, do we have lessons to learn from other countries? The 65 countries and 18 other regions around the world I cited that have banned the use of physical force against children did that because it is in the interest of children and youth to do so. We've seen that evolution over the last 20 years. It's been a considerable evolution to ensure that children can grow and prosper and that the loving support that comes from parents, teachers and caregivers can continue. The reality is, as you'll see from the many briefs this committee has received, the science is very clear: There is a range of other tools available to parents and caregivers that do not involve using physical force. There is no doubt this is in the interest of the child.
When we look at all the organizations that have expressed support for this, including the Canadian Medical Association and Canadian Dental Association, they have been very clear about the importance of taking this step. This relic from 1892 continues to be in our Criminal Code and the time has come to repeal it. There have been various initiatives over the years. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is the most notable. It put this as one of its first calls to action—call to action 6—because of the legacy of residential schools.
Given the weight of the science and the testimony members of this committee are receiving from people who have done the studies and science on the impacts on children, I think it's fair to say that this committee, which is one of the leading committees in the House of Commons, should be looking to advance this legislation so we can repeal section 43.