First of all, repealing section 43 would send a message indicating that these things were wrong.
Personally, I have known about this article since I was young, but most of the people around me do not. They have no idea. Even in the field of social work, we talk to people about it and they are surprised to learn that it still exists. And yet, these are people who are involved in social work.
I've known about section 43 since I was a child. It gave my parents and educators the right to use corporal punishment.
We've heard people say that corporal punishment has been prohibited since 2004. That's not true. It was restricted, but not prohibited. Canadian law still does not say that corporal punishment is prohibited and that it is wrong. The law still states that it's fine within reason. The fact remains that, even today, it is reasonable that a man can strike his little girl's buttocks. That is still allowed under section 43.
We have to send the message that such behaviour is wrong. It is important to state that it was wrong and a bad cultural practice to subject children to this kind of violence in residential schools and day schools.