Do you mind if I finish answering the question? I think that's really important.
What I would do as a teacher in that class would be to intervene. I would find someone to intervene, but I don't want our teachers to have to go through some nuanced legal analysis. I want them to be able to react reasonably in the moment to keep kids safe, and that's where legal experts have said that without section 43, we would be putting teachers at risk. I don't want to live in that world. I want to live in a world where the teachers can intervene reasonably to keep kids safe and know that they're protected.
Again, I really want to be clear, because our position is very nuanced. Section 43 should be repealed. At the exact same time, additional protection should be given so that teachers in schools have the tools in their tool box to keep kids safe. We shouldn't be doing one without the other. Section 43 should be repealed. At the same time—and it's really important that it happens at the same time—we must include the school safety amendment to ensure that teachers are not prosecuted for very reasonable interventions to keep kids safe.