Thank you, Madam Chair.
I was going to make that very point. We are doing clause-by-clause. This motion that Mr. Moore is proposing is out of order.
There's a very simple path forward to get on with this study, which we all agree is top priority—very important—and which is why Mr. Housefather brought it forward in the first place. The only thing between us and that study is ongoing Conservative obstruction and filibustering this piece of legislation.
We can vote on this bill now. We're on clause-by-clause. We are two votes away from getting to that study.
I also want to clarify for the record. A number of times Mr. Moore and no time did I say on Monday, when I made reference to the minister's intention, that the passage of this bill created a void or created a situation that was problematic. What I said was that the minister was committed to working towards a goal of achieving something in the spirit of what the “teachers” had proposed. I want to set the record clear on that.
A number of comments were made today by members of this committee. To suggest that any member of Parliament, any member of this committee, does not support parental rights is outrageous.
I ask that we rule Mr. Moore's motion out of order and that we immediately move to continue dealing with clause-by-clause, and then we can move on to the other matters this committee needs to deal with urgently.