Thank you.
Mr. Marceau, I'd like to turn to you for my next question.
One of my regular committees is the public safety committee. In 2022, I enjoyed a good working relationship with Mr. Mendicino when he was minister. One of our first reports was on the rise of ideologically motivated violent extremism. I took note in your opening comments about how police and security services were not really acting on the laws already on the books, and about the fear many Jewish students are facing every time they go to a post-secondary institution.
One of our recommendations in that report was with regard to the security infrastructure program. We asked that it be more effective, accessible and responsive to community needs, including through expanded eligibility criteria and a simplified application process.
I know the 2024 budget increases the funding for that program, but is there anything you would like to see this committee recommend with respect to that program and how it may be tailored to address some of the things you've outlined so clearly?