Thank you. I would just like to make two comments.
First of all, anti-Semitism is not recognized at UBC's faculty of medicine. If you go on their search engine, it doesn't exist. How can you say there's a problem if it doesn't exist? If you feel discrimination, make a complaint that you're discriminated against, but don't say you're Jewish or that it's Jew hatred or anti-Semitic.
There was a survey that went around UBC this week for all the faculty of medicine asking what group they considered themselves in. They had every single group except Jews.
The second point I want to make is about DEI. It's not just that this is a very narrow definition of your Marvel universe of oppressors and oppressed, oppressors who could do no good and oppressed people who could do no wrong. It's also that as Jews, we have been cast as white, privileged and also, worst of all, the apex oppressor in support of settler colonialism, which right now is the worst possible epithet that you could say against anyone in Canada.
That's where Jews stand right now.