Everybody, welcome back to our second panel.
I am informed that the sound test is done for the witness who is appearing by video conference. I would ask the witnesses who are in the room to please take their seats. Thank you very much.
Welcome to our witnesses for the second panel. We have with us today, as an individual, Dr. James A. Diamond, Joseph and Wolf Lebovic chair of Jewish studies, University of Waterloo, by video conference. We also have Dr. Ted Rosenberg, doctor, in his own capacity. We have, from the Network of Engaged Canadian Academics, Dr. Deidre Butler, associate professor; and Dr. Cary Kogan, professor.
I will ask each of the three—the two individuals and the one organization—to speak for up to five minutes. I will raise a card when there are 30 seconds left, and I will let you know, gently, that time is up.
We will commence right now with the first person I have on my document, who is appearing with us by video conference. The sound has been tested, and all is okay.
Dr. Diamond, the floor is yours for up to five minutes. Thank you.