I'm not sure where you're getting the information that we've removed mandatory minimum penalties for sexual assault. That's simply wrong.
Let me point out two things. First of all, conditional sentence orders, as I have said, will be available to a judge only when the sentence would have been less than two years. Obviously, they won't be used in a case where there's a minimum mandatory penalty that's higher than that. In no case will they be allowed when there's a threat to public safety. That's the sine qua non of what we're doing here.
The kinds of situations that you're referring to simply don't exist. Serious offences will always be punished seriously. Sentencing judges will always take the context and circumstances into account, and they will go towards the other end of the sentencing spectrum when it is merited.
What we're doing here is giving the flexibility back when there's some other contextual reason that means that the best thing for the victim, the best thing for the person and the best thing for the community is not to incarcerate the person.