Well, perhaps they did. I know that Mr. Mendicino is a permanent member. Mr. Housefather was a permanent member, but is not now, and Ms. Dabrusin is not, but they are proud supporters of Israel, and I commend and I applaud all of their advocacy. As my colleague Ms. Ferrari has very aptly pointed out on the record, Mr. Housefather in particular has been a very lonely, brave soldier.
Mr. Mendicino, I have a great deal of respect for you, and I know you've taken a lead. I know your background is not Israeli, but you obviously care about human rights, and you care about the nation.
Israel, the nation of Israel, is a proud ally of Canada and continues to be a proud ally of Canada, and I applaud you for your efforts, sir, but I find it so disappointing to see that all three of you, who didn't want to go back to the anti-Semitism study, voted in favour of Mr. Maloney to distract from the agenda that we had in our notice of meeting to get to the point of hopefully finalizing the final version, known as version number four, which our great analysts spent incredible time, very productive time, putting together. It was deeply disappointing to me and I'm sure to Canadians who are watching this to see three proud Liberal members, who have supported Israel through this entire conflict, vote to not get back to a study that is so important to this nation.
On behalf of the Canadians who are disappointed, I wish to raise that.
We all know how difficult it has been for the three of you in your caucus. You're telegraphed and been dispatched to go to certain parts of the country, voicing your support for Israel, while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, your leader, sends out another team to talk about—