Maybe the best example to give you is the Anderson case.
A young Black man was pulled over at a random checkstop with a prohibited firearm. Members in his community around him were dying through gun violence. He armed himself not to commit substantive offences but to protect himself. The judge in that case called evidence in from someone who worked in corrections and asked them what was available in corrections if they were to send the young man to jail. The corrections officer gave evidence that there was nothing available in terms of programming. By contrast, she also called in members of the community to ask what was available. They were able to present a couple of options in terms of counselling, education, and those sorts of programs that were going to assist him in the community.
That particular MMP had already been struck down, but in the absence of that, that's someone who would have gone to jail and not received the culturally appropriate treatment that was required in that case. They would have had a worse outcome. Again, that would not have been helpful to public safety, in my respectful opinion.