Thank you, Madam Chair.
As you rightfully pointed out, it is your responsibility to maintain order and decorum, and that looks increasingly difficult. You have my condolences with respect to that responsibility. You rightfully called me out earlier for talking too loud with Mr. Drouin. You were completely within your rights, and I apologize for causing any distraction.
I will say that there has been, as Mr. Jivani has said and as Mr. Brock has said, a pattern of Mr. Maloney and Mr. Bittle creating fake points of order that are equally, if not more, distracting than having a sidebar conversation with a colleague. I'm not going to tell you how to do your job. That would be presumptuous. However, I've certainly seen in other committees where there is a pattern, the chair will make sure that the individual starts with a rule that they're citing for that point of order. Before they are allowed to commence, they have to cite that rule. I think that it might be a fair practice.
Thank you very much.