Thank you, Mr. Fortin. It's a good question and I thank you for it. Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you.
During the five-minute break we're about to take, you could talk with your Conservative colleagues. Personally, I'd like to finish this right after the break.
This way, we could report, have an extension and be able to talk about this very, very important PMB.
As MP Kurek has been eloquently saying, there's a lot of good in that PMB. I think we really need to study it, because, quite frankly, it's important to many people. As a woman, I also find it important to many people, and I think we all agree around the table.
If it's possible, I'd really like us to be able to work together a bit to deal with this motion very quickly so that when we get back, we can start this study.
Thank you very much.