I am now going to start the process.
Ms. Haugen, you will get a phone call from the clerk or somebody from the room regarding interpretation, if you don't mind answering that.
I will welcome our witnesses. We have two witnesses by video conference and one in the room.
We have Madam Frances Haugen, advocate, social platforms transparency and accountability; and we have Madam Miranda Jordan-Smith, executive, both by video conference.
With us in the room, from Coalition pour la surveillance internationale des libertés civiles, we have Mr. Tim McSorley, national coordinator.
Please wait, each of you, until I recognize you by name before speaking.
For those participating by video conference, please ensure that you have selected, on the bottom of your screen, the language of your choice, because questions will be coming in both languages.
I also ask that you wait to be asked to speak, whether you're a member or a witness, and that you go through the chair.
I will now ask Madam Miranda Jordan-Smith to please commence.
You have up to five minutes.