I think from a global perspective we have to look at where Canada's justice system is focused. I did mention it in one of my other responses. Canada's justice system is focused on a rehabilitative set-up. It is not based on incarceration. It's based on rehabilitation, so if we're going to look an incarceration-based system, then, okay, we're going to have one person's rights exceed the other person's rights.
What we have to remember is that up until a point where a person is found guilty in a court of law, they have the same rights as everyone else, because they are only accused of a crime. I'm not a lawyer. I'm not a constitutional expert or anything, but the judiciary is there to impose fair sentencing based on the facts of the crime, so can we draft legislation that empowers one party to have greater rights than the other party?
I don't know. I can't give you an answer on that one.