We'll now resume.
To the new witnesses who just came in, I have some quick housekeeping to do. When you have 30 seconds left, I'll raise a green folder. When your time is up, I'll raise a red folder. Please try to watch for those, so I don't have to interrupt you. I'll do the same for members when they're speaking.
Each group will have five minutes to present an opening statement, followed by rounds of questions. If there's something you haven't been able to get out in your opening statement, please do so in the round of questions.
From the Brantford Police Service, we have Robert Davis, chief of police. From the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, we have Rachel Huggins, deputy director and co-chair drug advisory committee, along with Michael Rowe, inspector, and member of law amendments committee. We also have, from the National Police Federation, Brian Sauvé, president.
Welcome to all of you.
We'll begin with Chief Robert Davis, for five minutes.