We'll have a recorded vote on clause 9.
(Clause 9 agreed to: yeas 7; nays 4)
Next we have proposed clause 9.1.
On PV-5, I will rule that this is non-admissible due to the parent act.
I'll go one by one.
I'm going to rule PV-6 inadmissible for the same reason. None of the act that it's proposing to amend is being debated.
On PV-7, section 153 of the Criminal Code is not being amended by Bill C-5. It is therefore the opinion of the chair that the amendment is inadmissible.
On PV-8, section 155 of the Criminal Code is not being amended by Bill C-5. It is therefore the opinion of the chair that the amendment is inadmissible.
On PV-9, paragraphs 160(3)(a) and 160(3)(b) of the Criminal Code are not being amended by Bill C-5. It is therefore the opinion of the chair that the amendment is not admissible.
On PV-10, since subsections 163.1(2) to 163.1(4.1) of the Criminal Code are not being amended by Bill C-5, it is the opinion of the chair that the amendment is not admissible.
On PV-11, since sections 170 and 171 of the Criminal Code are not being amended by Bill C-5, it is the opinion of the chair that the amendment is inadmissible.
On PV-12, since paragraphs 171.1(2)(a) and 171.1(2)(b) of the Criminal Code are not being amended by Bill C-5, it is the opinion of the chair that the amendment is inadmissible.
On PV-13, since paragraphs 172.1(2)(a) and 172.1(b) of the Criminal Code are not being amended by Bill C-5, it is the opinion of the chair that the amendment is inadmissible.
On PV-14, since paragraphs 172.2(a) and 172.2(b) of the Criminal Code are not being amended by Bill C-5, it is the opinion of the chair that the amendment is inadmissible.
On PV-15, since paragraphs 173(2)(a) and 173(2)(b) of the Criminal Code are not being amended by Bill C-5, it is the opinion of the chair that the amendment is inadmissible.
On PV-16, since subsection 202(2) of the Criminal Code is not being amended by Bill C-5, it is the opinion of the chair that the amendment is inadmissible.
(On clause 10)
Now we will move to Green Party amendment 17. Note again that if Green Party amendment 17 is adopted, Bloc amendment 1 and Conservative amendment 7 cannot be moved, as they amend the same line.