In countries like Belgium it's a legislated process for the youth justice systems that all cases are automatically referred to restorative justice as the primary mechanism of criminal justice. We heard about applications of restorative principles and responses to armed conflict, but really I think there's very established work about the need for it to be victim-centred.
I think what we did hear clearly was that there are ways to meaningfully apply restorative justice in cases that are sensitive, like partner violence and sexual violence, whereas in Canada sometimes we're hesitant around some of those types of offences because we talk about power imbalances. I think it's important to recognize that those power imbalances continue to exist in relationships regardless of whether there's a safe, facilitated process. Actually, I think we have room to explore the broader application in all types of violence. If it's done safely with facilitators who can meet with both parties in advance and afterwards to provide that follow-up care, I think a lot of work can be done in that process, which creates a much safer society.