It would be, and it would be good for us as victims to know what's gone on since the previous parole hearing. Has he made any changes? Has his behaviour gotten any better? Is he going to start to show remorse? Has he done anything to better himself? We don't find out any of that until the parole hearing. That's all kept away from us. All we get are updates on his day parole or if he has to go to a doctor's appointment out of the area and stuff like that.
When it comes down to stuff that really matters, which we need to know in order to talk to the Parole Board and let them know how we feel and what we think, we don't have that information. We don't have his convictions or anything he's done until afterwards.
We found out he was gambling, then he was selling cigarettes and then he got himself into debt. Then he couldn't afford this and that. He gets to those places and that's when you start to commit crimes again because that's all you know. But they don't tell us any of that.