All of the parole hearings I've gone to seemed the same to me. I haven't noticed that anything has changed.
I can't say that we're offered support when we're there. We're not, when we go for our hearings. We're not provided information, especially. There's barely any transparency about what goes on outside of the parole hearings. We really don't know anything. All we're told is that they're on work release or they have to leave the area to do something. Other than that, we know nothing until we go to a parole hearing.
I think that we, as victims, should be able to know more of what he does day to day and, if he's doing anything wrong, whether they're thinking about revoking his parole. We should be told that stuff. That's stuff that we, as victims, deserve to know.
The only thing I've noticed that has got better is the ability to get the translation.
I wonder if there are victims out there who can't attend hearings because they can't afford to go to them. I know that your travel, meals and whatnot are paid for, but especially these days, people can't afford to take that time off work to travel. It's three days. How many victims are not able to speak up and fight to make sure that justice is served?
I think victims deserve that. They deserve some type of compensation, aside from their travel, to be able to go. People can't afford to lose three days' wages to go and fight for something that's their right to do.