Well, I think those resources already do exist, and there are community supports and community organizations. Certainly, in Canada's trans communities, it's the trans sex workers that come to community organizations like ASTTeQ, because they trust that we understand the realities they experience at work. They rely on organizations like ours to help them resolve the problems that they come to us with. If they come to us and they say that they're experiencing unsafe conditions at work, then we refer them to the resources they need or we help to offer legal information that might help them resolve those situations on their own terms.
I think the real solution to issues of unsafe conditions in sex work is sex worker community supports. I think that's one of the most harmful parts of PCEPA: It prevents sex workers from working together, from sharing information about how to work safely and from creating safety measures for each other and looking out for each other. Certainly, in the trans community, that has historically been so important for maintaining trans sex workers' safety. It's the ability to work together, and PCEPA expressly prohibits that.