We need to put a lot more into mental health for youth, but I'm actually going to answer that with a two-second story.
I went to Sweden to look at how the law impacted women and communities in Sweden. I went to a high school, because they had been living with the law for eight or nine years and I wanted hear how the law affected how they thought of themselves. I was in a high school with 15- and 16- and 17-year-olds all talking about prostitution, all talking about it as self-harm. They would report their friends if they found out they were doing it, because it's a harmful practice. It's not good for them, not good for society.
Then, I was like, okay, that's great, we understand prostitution is a form of harm for all of society, but what about pornography? How do you feel about that?
They looked at me, and as a North American I couldn't understand it for a minute or two, and they said, we would never date anyone who was involved in any of that, because that's not what they want for themselves. That is the level of self-awareness and self-esteem that I want for our girls here. I want our girls to say, I will not put up with this behaviour, because I am worth more than that.