The problem is that at that point I had already delivered my victim impact statement. As a victim, you are a witness to a crime. You don't actually have the right to participate in proceedings, so I couldn't actually say anything. However, being me, I put myself off of mute and asked the judge if we could talk about this publication ban. She simply said that she was no longer functus and didn't have jurisdiction on the case, so I wasn't even given the space to explain that I had asked the Crown to lift the ban and the Crown had declined. The judge could have done it. The judge just said she couldn't do it and that I'd have to go to the Superior Court to do so.
I will add that in a recent case in 2021, CBC v. Manitoba, the Supreme Court of Canada clarified that courts of appeal do have the ability to lift publication bans that were initially heard in their level of court. They don't have to go to a higher level of court, so at least that has been clarified. However, my understanding is that Crown attorneys and judges have a limited understanding of how publication bans can be lifted and of the functions for victims who don't want them.