What will the impacts be on indigenous women and girls? It's a little bit of a difficult question. We need to understand that there are two competing interests here. On the one side, we have the overincarceration of indigenous women. On the other side, we have the overrepresentation of indigenous women and girls being victimized by violent crime.
On the side of protecting people from violent crime, I think that this bill is a rapid reaction to the Supreme Court's decision to, I think, primarily address the public misunderstanding about what that decision did and to calm down some of the myths that were spreading relatively rapidly. I think that's a good protection, though section 33.1 has existed for a long time and there's still overrepresentation so it's hard to say—maybe status quo.
As far as addressing the overincarceration is concerned, again, I don't think it's going to be particularly impactful just on its own. These cases are quite rare where 33.1 defences are made, but I don't think that it will result in more indigenous women being incarcerated necessarily.
Again, as I was saying earlier, the real return on investment for addressing these issues is going to be with the policies and programs. What are the effects? It's likely the status quo of prior to the Brown decision.