I find that what we are suffering with in our communities is the lack of healing resources that would help our community, our women. We just don't have enough financial resources to bring in what we need.
Our people have been through a lot. These residential school people are coming back to a very poor community that can help them with their healing. I think we really have to concentrate on bringing those resources to the community. Healing can only happen based on what's within their own culture.
We have our own healing processes. Unfortunately, as I said, we all have poor communities. When you're talking about housing, food and everything else in everyday life that we need, we just don't have enough to go around.
Basically what we're hoping for is that we get enough resources to be able to help our people so they don't end up behind bars, so that they don't end up being victims, and they don't end up being a woman who has to put up with violence. We're hoping to get our men healed or within our healing process before this happens.
I hope that helps a bit.