Thank you.
We conducted consultations quickly, but we had already conducted some previously. Let me give you the list of consulted organizations.
They were the following: Women's Shelters Canada, Luke's Place, Pathway Group, Ontario Network of Victim Service Providers, La Fédération des maisons d'hébergement pour femmes, Farrah Khan, Canadian Women's Foundation, LEAF, Robin Parker, National Association of Friendship Centres, Native Women's Association, Action Now Atlantic, Students for Consent Culture, Kent Roach, Janine Benedet, Frances Chapman, Gerry Ferguson, Michael Plaxton, Hugues Parent, Canadian Association of Black Lawyers, Criminal Lawyers' Association, Association des Avocats de la Défense de Québec, Criminal Trial Lawyers' Association, Tony Paisana, Jody Berkes, Women's Law Association of Ontario and the National Association of Women and the Law.
We held consultations, and the vast majority of organizations supported our process, whether it be officially or unofficially.