It will only do what we put into it. What I mean by that is that if we don't have clear communication, if we're not educating survivors, if we're not providing them access to justice that's outside of the Crown so they can talk to a lawyer independently to understand, then they're going to be less likely to report, because we're allowing influencers, people who are not experts on this, to start speaking about it and taking up the loudest space. We have to do campaigns on misinformation. Right now, disinformation is one of the biggest problems.
In terms of survivors going through a court case, someone said before that there's an erosion of trust in the court system by survivors. It's not eroded. It's always been there. Survivors don't trust a system that is not made for them. Survivors don't trust the system that is set up to put them on trial and not the person who has harmed them.
We need to do better, but we also need to have more access to justice processes for them and more information for the general public.