That's so nice. Thank you.
I think the biggest things that I want to name—and Pam has already brought it up—are the two pieces we see. We really need the justice department to look at public legal education to address the misinformation that comes out. I even think about the SCC decision that came out on Friday. People are so scared...and the work, and survivors are. When we don't have a good communication process that includes youth.... The most misinformation that was coming out about this was coming out on TikTok. I saw thousands of young people talking about this and sharing this, yet we didn't have a communications plan. When this comes out or when anything comes out that will affect survivors, we have to think about the accompanying communications plan so that people are not spreading more misinformation that will hurt survivors.
The other thing I want to name is that transformative justice processes need to be funded in this country. If we're saying that this is administrative justice.... Justice goes beyond the legal walls, and right now, it's not being funded. It's only been looking at a very narrow idea of justice, and we need better.