Again, I think we had indicated that we believe that the inherent dangerousness of certain drugs themselves will be evidence that will assist us in terms of the effects that we would expect everyone to have some concept about...and can be reasonably expected to potentially lose control and have a violent loss of control. We anticipate that there would be expert evidence that we would call in many cases.
The individuals we're talking about may also often have a history—a history that we're aware of, a history that has been introduced to the court previously. We often hear submissions in court from defence counsel when explaining their client's behaviour that speak to this Jekyll and Hyde change in behaviour when they've consumed a dangerous drug. We may very well have history to call to demonstrate how foreseeable it was for this particular individual that they would act in a violent way if they were consuming and becoming extremely intoxicated.
So we do think that it is a foreseeable risk in many instances and that we will have evidence put before the court of that in terms of the negligent action of the individual when compared with the reasonable person. We are confident that we can make this case in front of judges and juries, that those who negligently jeopardize the safety of other members of our community can be held accountable through this legislation.