Thank you.
I do think I got a little bit further in Ms. Diab's question, but I think, again, that we anticipate.... First of all, as Mr. Kotler has pointed out, the onus is on the accused. Having said that, we believe that there is certainly expert and medical evidence that we would be able to call upon to speak about the inherent dangers of many of the substances.
The substance that we see the most—as Professor Parent pointed out—that induces psychotic states is crystal meth. There is a wealth of evidence in terms of the inherent risk of those drugs and the consumption of those drugs that we would be able to call upon. Then, when we speak of the individuals, again, there is often going to be evidence that we can call upon in terms of the individual and their history and their knowledge of how they act when they've consumed dangerous drugs.
We do see a path to obtaining convictions in these cases. We think that judges and juries are going to want to hear that evidence and are going to accept that evidence. They are aware of the dangers inherent in some of these drugs. That speaks to the foreseeability of what will happen when consuming, particularly if you're consuming multiple dangerous drugs and when you're consuming an excess of dangerous drugs for a prolonged period of time. Courts will accept that it is foreseeable that those actions will lead to a violent loss of control that will harm individuals in our communities.
Yes, we are confident that we can make the case for those who negligently consume those drugs to excess and find themselves in the situation where they endanger the safety of other members of our community, and be able to hold them accountable with this legislation.
I don't know if Mr. Kotler has any other specific technical knowledge that he wishes to add.