Thank you, Chair.
Ms. Thomas, thank you for your work. My wife does work on behalf of women in a similar capacity, so I'm obviously appreciative of your work.
Thank you, Dr. Roebuck, and congratulations on your appointment.
I'm going to begin by talking about something that came to me earlier here today when I was listening. There's a crucial distinction that I think needs to be made here, and that is the raising of a defence versus the success of a defence, two very different things. The raising of a defence is dependent upon the threshold that has to be met, as in when somebody can raise this defence, in what circumstances. Here it's a question of whether there is extreme intoxication. The Minister of Justice came forward and said this defence will rarely be successful. But that's very different from saying this defence will rarely be permitted to be raised. They're very different things.
Now when I look at the Criminal Code, particularly sections 266 to 278 and onward, this is what we see: If a person wants to raise evidence of prior sexual activity, for instance, as part of their defence on a sexual assault or sexual interference or the like type of allegation, or if somebody is pursuing a record that relates to the victim, they have to go through an evidentiary hearing that is separate. In this case, we don't have a separate evidentiary hearing. We just have the defence that can be raised. In those two examples that I cited, as I recall, the victim is actually entitled to standing in the courtroom. What that means is that the victim is entitled to a lawyer and the victim is entitled to make submissions or make an argument to the judge.
On the one hand, we have this robust system that says we're going to have a high threshold, and before we even get to that threshold we're going to have the judge hear whether this is appropriate. On the other hand, we have extreme intoxication, and that defence can simply be raised and the victim isn't heard. That's what I see in Bill C-28.
As I was thinking and listening, what I was left with was this: Wouldn't it be prudent if we developed legislation that mirrors, say, section 276 to 278 and onward, saying that before you raise this defence, you actually have to have a threshold hearing before a judge, and at that threshold hearing the victim could actually get their own lawyer? Would that be something that would perhaps diminish the use of very questionable defences of this kind being raised—not being successful, but being raised—and would it take into account victim concerns more greatly?
I appreciate this is quite a loaded question, so I know that will probably take up most of our time.
Ms. Thomas and Dr. Roebuck, I'm happy to hear from both of you on that point.