Thank you, Mr. Garrison.
That concludes our rounds of questions on the supplementary estimates.
I apologize, ladies and gentlemen. I thought I might have needed more time. That's why I originally ended the rounds earlier, but it looks like we were pretty efficient.
I will go to the votes.
I will need the clerk's assistance on this, as best as he can, because I can't see you guys there.
CANADIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Vote 1b—Program expenditures..........898,286
(Vote 1b agreed to)
Before I go to the next one, I want to thank Minister Lametti and all of the experts who came and appeared today.
Thank you for your time. I appreciate your commitment to ensuring that we get all of the information on supplementary budgets.
COURTS ADMINISTRATION SERVICE Vote 1b—Program expenditures..........4,014,074
(Vote 1b agreed to on division)
I now call on vote 1b under the Department of Justice.
Is there any discussion on this vote?