Thank you. I have only a few more.
One way is to have increased funding for exiting prostitution. We know from experience, in countries like Sweden, that it takes a consistent investment in the exiting programs.
The fourth one is to commit to a long-term education plan. When the “end demand” laws were introduced in Sweden, they were highly unpopular. The government committed to an education program that led, within a few short years, to a complete reversal of that. The laws in Sweden are actually very important and very popular among the people now. They've been accepted by them.
So it's a recognition and an understanding of what the law actually means. I've certainly had discussions with law enforcement and lawyers in B.C. who haven't really appreciated what the law actually says. They have a mistaken impression of what is involved in the law. We need a consistent and long-term education plan in order to assist that.
Thank you.